Some of the most amazing mavens of birth in my life are women who have not gestated actual human beings. One brave friend gave birth – a kind
of phoenix-from-the-ashes-birth/re-birth of self kind of thing. Breast Cancer.
Another friend has been laboring for what seems like ever to birth herself from
the bonds of a marriage that isn’t ending so peacefully. Yet another friend did
a twin birth: breast cancer and divorce
all in one. Birth, of any kind, is not always pretty or tidy, but it is sacred.
Some friends birth a new business or vocation, a book, a
project, a new state of consciousness, a new relationship. I wonder about
honoring the birth of young ladies into womanhood, the birth of older ladies
into wisdomhood. Where are our rights of passage, our midwives, our support for
these births?
This week, I am blessed to begin a new adventure at
Authentic Birth Center. Authentic is a place where pregnant mommas can sit in
circle and hold space for each other. Authentic is a place for babies to come
safely, sacredly, beautifully into the world.
And, it’s a place for honoring the births that happen throughout our
lives as women.
Please find more about Authentic Birth Center here
Find out more about the Sacred Pregnancy circles here
And, please, share here your own “birth” stories. What would it feel like for you to be midwifed
through these births? How could this time and space be honored for you?