“I love this circle. I love it because in the
beginning I'm asked what I need today- physically, emotionally, spiritually.
Hardly anyone ever asks me what I need!” – Suzette N.
About 5 years ago, I gazed
out on a circle of yogis, deep in the throes of savasana and a thought came
through bold as anything: “Wow. If anyone needs this, it’s homeschool moms!”
Shortly after that, the first Homeschool Moms Yoga Circle was formed.
This brave group of mommas came together to connect with their breath, with each other, and to relax away some of the very real stress of walking an intentional mothering path. We feasted together afterwards and the bonds swelled there, too, relief heavily threaded through the conspicuous laughter and tears.
"Attending IMYC gives me space to consciously connect with the woman in me, and the women who surround me. It is a much needed deep breath of reflection and peace. IMYC also reminds me of the continuing strength of my body and my appreciation for it." -Diane R.
This brave group of mommas came together to connect with their breath, with each other, and to relax away some of the very real stress of walking an intentional mothering path. We feasted together afterwards and the bonds swelled there, too, relief heavily threaded through the conspicuous laughter and tears.
feel nourished and rejuvenated afterwards, like I've given myself a wonderful
gift!” – Cardinal L.
A couple of years ago, and
after having brought this idea to the group, we decided to expand the circle,
re-christening it as the Intentional Moms Yoga Circle. Because, we felt, what mom doesn’t need this?
circle offers a much more gentle way of being with women; a whole different way
than I knew growing up and even into adulthood. There is no judgment or
competition. I feel genuinely cared for and accepted for exactly who I am.”
– Jess I.
In these years, the circle
has moved several times, having gathered in a (master!) bedroom-cum-studio, in
a river-side studio, amongst stuffed, fez-topped lions, and now: at Authentic.
Our home, finally. And with this homecoming, the circle has begun to be it’s
own living thing: arms that we step gratefully and graciously into each month.
Jess came to our circle (how could she have ever NOT been part of it?!) and she
and I do our best to facilitate a deep relief for body, mind, heart, and soul.
“My body is challenged by the yoga work, and later
always feels better. My spirit feels nurtured and grounded by the spiritual and
deep play components. I also feel happy and renewed after eating and
socializing with everyone after the yoga piece is finished. It's perfect that
this is a circle, because the experience feels very whole to me. It meets me on
all levels: physical, emotional, spiritual and social.” – Suzette N.
Ultimately, my hope is that
the circle serves, that it somehow midwives continual healing for the moms and
for all the children, families and communities to which they offer their love
and gifts.
Please join us! Find out more about May's circle here.
Please join us! Find out more about May's circle here.