Perhaps one of the biggest challenges along the road of
deepening into the sacredness of our mothering path is finding balance. Balance
is a term that comes up a lot in our yoga circles. Often, the one asking for it
desires physical, mental, emotional and/ or spiritual
balance within an atmosphere of
turbulence. As we peel through these layers, we may find that external
turbulence has nothing on how we draw that turbulence inwards and create a
continual drama within our minds. How do we find balance within these raging
winds of the mind?
What do we take in and what do we let out? Physically,
mentally, emotionally, spiritually?
Let’s begin an exploration of giving (output) and receiving
(input) by working with the breath.
Find your way into a comfortable seated position, closing
the eyes lightly, loosening the shoulders down away from the ears, and settling
in to focus on the breath.
Deepen your
interaction with the breath by drawing the inhale fully into the whole torso – to
the front, the sides, the back and all the way down to the tailbone. Let the
exhale release its way up the spine. Feel the crown of the head draw up and the
spine lengthen. Continue this way as each breath lengthens the spine, creating
space between the vertebra. It’s as if you are growing taller with each breath.
Now, begin to open up to the full capacity of the breath,
the fullness of life energy (prana) circulating through you. Take a full
inhale. Pause and take in an extra sip of breath. Now release the breath,
letting go completely. At the end, pause, and, using the strength of your navel
chakra, pump the last bit of stale breath out of the body. Repeat this process,
and, as you inhale, imagine bringing in everything that’s available to you – breath,
and also support, ease, joy: more than you could have imagined. As you exhale,
visualize releasing all that doesn’t serve your body, heart and soul:
discomfort, toxins, self-limiting beliefs. Actually feel these things leaving
your mind, your heart, your body – releasing down into the earth. Repeat this cycle 10-15 times.
Release the breath work and move back into a steady, easy
inhale and smooth exhale. Notice the change in the quality of your breath and
your energy (prana). Use this technique whenever you feel a call to balance.
Take the practice into your life and notice the connection between your breath
and your experience of balance. Know that all of us are entitled to a free
feeling of giving and receiving.
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