Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Panic, part 1

Some ideas about handling panic attacks in the moment: 

  1. Put your hand over your forehead (like you're taking your temperature). This helps to bring more bloodflow to the forebrain, and away from what is still activated: the hindbrain. The amygdala, which is the area of the brain that recognizes threat and acts in self-preservation is what is triggered, neurologically, during a panic attack. 
  2. If possible, find someone to be with you, to support you in whatever way may arise. If panic attacks are common for you, find a person or two that will be able to be with you in body or on the phone, should the need arise. Here is an excellent list of things to do to support someone having a panic attack (have them read it now, so they’re at the ready to support you in this way): http://www.oprah.com/spirit/Deepak-Chopra-Breaking-the-Cycle-of-Anxiety
  3. If you can, listen and trust the mindbody to unwind itself. Move or rest or breathe or whatever your body asks for. Try not to let your brain get involved in trying to analyze: this is key. Bring awareness to the sensations in your body and let go of resistance to movement/ shaking/ or stillness. 
  4. You are healing each second. Your body is wise and knows just what to do: trust it, put your brain in the backseat and listen for what will support your body. It’s like when the smoke detector goes off when you burn a pizza. It's just like that. 
  5. You are safe. You are supported. You are loved. 
“Let everything happen to you
beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final” 
–    Rainer Maria Rilke

Some wonderful resources:
Bessel van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score
Henry Emmons, The Chemistry of Calm
Image: Ghost by Lucian Olteanu

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