Working with Ahimsa means bringing an intention of non-violence into thought, word, and deed. Ahimsa is considered the foundation of yogic ethics.
Violence, according to B.K.S. Iyengar, resides in a person’s “mind and not in the instrument [s/]he holds in his[/her] hand” (1994, p. 32). Ultimately, it is essential to evolve toward the change of thoughts in order to achieve ahimsa.
In asana: begin to witness your body. Let go of competitive ego and expectations and trust that your body is right where it’s supposed to be. Be present to yourself, treat yourself with compassion. Modify when necessary and accept props as appropriate.
What is the tone of your body awareness during asana? Fighting or surrender, dominance or witnessing, attachment or acceptance?
How does the idea of non-harming play out in your life off the mat? Witness your thoughts, listen to your own speech, notice your actions. What does non-harming mean to you?
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