Tapas is variously translated as right effort, sustained practice, and heat. Tapas is the heat that burns away impurities as well as that which kindles the sparks of divinity. The heat of tapas is generated by our non-habituated and enthusiastic commitment.
Tapas, therefore, is not a concept only limited to our yoga mats or even to some sort of obtuse philosophical side road. Tapas is the commitment we show towards our mates, towards our children, towards our work in the world, towards ourselves. Cultivating tapas really begins at the source of these commitments. Discipline which becomes competitive or habituated is not tapas. Commitment is chosen out of enthusiasm and connection. We connect to our partners, our work, our children, ourselves in joy and out of that connection, our commitment grows.
Tapas is an important step along the path of the yamas and the niyamas as it is the hinge between the internal and external practice – it is a conscious turning inward toward growth.
In asana, tapas is naturally created as we step onto our mats. Asana burns away toxins and releases impurities. To continue this, we need only make a commitment to stepping onto our mats regularly and enthusiastically connecting our body and our breath.
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