Yoga Sutra 11.42:
samtosat-anuttamah sukha-labhah
“contentment brings supreme happiness.”
Santosha is a feeling of deep contentment. Although it is not a permanent state, it is also not fleeting, such as the joy one feels at an external event. The state of santosha is an essential ingredient in many of the yamas. For example, the way to stem greed (aparigraha) is to cultivate deep contentment.
And so, as with the other yamas and niyamas, santosha is a cultivated state. It is as natural and available to us as air, we need only open up and allow it. Greeding, hatred, lying, etc all mask santosha. If we can accept that it is our true nature to be content, we can release these masks.
How does contentment come into your work on the mat? In asana, we cultivate this balance between challenging ourselves and non-attachment to outcome. That balance point is santosha. When you are struggling in a pose, moving back and diving into your breath can bring you back to santosha.
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