Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Top 5 reasons to practice Yoga in the midst of a Polar Vortex

Top 5 reasons to practice Yoga in the midst of a Polar Vortex:

To EXPAND: Most of us are in a constant state of bracing against the cold – both physically and mentally. Come to Yoga to relax outward and ease inward. 
To BREATHE: Part of this bracing response is a catch in the breath – easy to understand when the breath we draw in may freeze our nose hairs into a matte! Sit down on your mat and breathe deeply. 
To CONNECT: Many of us choose to forgo activities in the weather – who wants to go outside to get anywhere?! Coming into the Yoga circle can fill your thirst for community and connection – which boosts immunity and mental health. 
To FEEL GOOD: it doesn’t feel good to be so cold. It does feel good to streeeetch, to feel heat build in the body from your good effort, and to relax fully and deeply. 
To FEEL GRATEFUL: In spite of the cold, most of us are inconvenienced rather than truly threatened by the cold. When we turn our awareness to gratitude, we can feel supercharged to serve in ways that can help to alleviate suffering in our communities. 

CAUTION: Yoga may induce what is sometimes called “Involuntary Polar Euphoria”!